After 10 years of using the BFNK alias, I have made a decision to continue moving forward using the name Abroxis. This change was "in the works" for quite a long time, and it finally happened.
I owe a huge thanks to seskamol for creating the Abroxis artwork. He really outdid my expectations and delivered some exceptional art based on a rough guideline.
The last decade was an interesting ride and it has been only 3 years since I really started putting real effort into getting better at music and art. Heavyhearted, Woulg, The Glitch.cool community, and our core team have been an exceptional factor in this development and I owe them a huge thanks! I've never been so keen on creating things and I appreciate that wholeheartedly.
I'd like to bring your attention to the first tracks that I've released with the new alias!
The "debut" single is... a remix... of a remix! This tune is quite crazy and full of things. I really enjoyed making it and I'll have you know there is, like, 25db of limiting going on there. So sue me. Soup's remix is absolutely fantastic and thus it became the subject of my first release. It wasn't planned, but this is how it went down:
The second release was done rather spontaneously and technically expands on my experiments on working with space. It's way more minimal and rather dark. I didn't enjoy making it as much as the first one, but at the same time I felt I needed to make it:
Finally, I'd like to share the 6 albums I've made under the BFNK alias over the last decade.
These include tracks of various styles, various influences, and various periods of time. Some of them are very personal, and others are more of a reach towards the outer world. I've always tried to make each track "interesting" and expressive. There are things I would probably change if I could go back and re-do some tracks, and for others I wouldn't change anything. If I could move aside as the creator and be just a listener, and say something that can probably apply to almost all of the albums, it's that they are probably the kind that might "grow on you", but not make a huge impression on the very first listen. Thats what I feel personally, at least towards for some of them, especially the earlier ones. I hope you can listen to them and enjoy them! By the very least, stay tuned for new music! <3
Here are the albums, each with its own blog post, in order of oldest to newest:
Help Is On The Way
Stolen Memories
Thank you for reading! And thank you for listening <3